Il Tempo Vola

Per questo anno presenterà un lavoro sul ”tempo che a volte corre veloce, a volte ci vuole molto tempo. Ma l’orologio della chiesa fa sempre tic tac”....

Ad ognuno la sua p’arte  is a residency leading to an art walk. The title : Ad ognuno la sua p’arte  means to each one his part. Artist can create freely within the frame of a beautiful village of Liguria. Contextual artworks, contemporary art works, new work made for the site or old works rethought to be presented in this village of Liguria are welcolmed.  Artworks can be ephemeral also as contextual and relational.Ad ognuno la sua p’arte is a convivial meeting among artists, residents, visitors and children. The children will be the guides of the art walk. The event is organized by the association tadlachance that works for the promotion of the contemporary art.